This article was originally posted on Cure Donna gives advice to other multiple myeloma patients about what she has learned from living with this...
When the new normal is far from normal. Jason Oxenham on combatting cancer
This article was originally published on NZ Do you know why you're here? I thought I did until I was asked. I'm in a small, windowless...
PBAC blocks access to new myeloma drugs: Prof Andrew Spencer
This article was originally published on The Limbic Australian blood cancer patients are being denied access to life-extending drugs and treatments...
What are the stages of multiple myeloma?
This article was originally published by Medical News Today Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer that affects plasma cells. Doctors use a...
Updates from Recent Clinical Trials in Multiple Myeloma
This article was originally posted by targeted Oncology Case: A 75-Year-Old Man with Multiple Myeloma Initial Presentation A 75-year-old man...
Australian myeloma registry highlights challenges of adhering to best practice
This article was originally published on TheLimbic Australian experts have been ‘startled’ to discover that many patients with multiple myeloma do...
Multiple Myeloma 101: An Incurable But ‘Very Treatable’ Disease
This article was originally published on Cure While a diagnosis of multiple myeloma can be overwhelming for patients, the disease is very treatable,...
Autologous stem cell transplantation in elderly multiple myeloma patients aged ≥65 years: a two‐centre Australian experience
This article was originally published on Wiley Online Library There are currently limited Australian data on the outcomes of autologous stem cell...
Multiple myeloma is not easily diagnosed.
This article was originally posted on AJMC Multiple myeloma is not easily diagnosed, and its early symptoms may be confused for another condition....
Patient Perceptions Regarding Multiple Myeloma and Its Treatment: Qualitative Evidence from Interviews with Patients in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany
This article was originally published by Urbanhealth Today ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The current standard of care for multiple myeloma requires several...
Study reveals mechanisms behind sensitivity of multiple myeloma cells to EZH2 inhibition
This article was originally published on News Medical Life Sciences Researchers from Uppsala University show in a new study that inhibition of the...
Myeloma Interest Group | Article & IMS COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendations
Dear Colleagues On behalf of Myeloma Australia's Medical and Scientific Advisory Group (MSAG) please find below our article of the week and the...