Another march towards Pharmac funding
Originally published on Te ao The Medavivors breast cancer survivors group today took another step towards gaining government funding for cancer...
Petition calls on government to fund more lung cancer medications
This story was originally published on RNZ A woman whose husband died of lung cancer last year is delivering a petition to parliament calling on the...
Hundreds march on Parliament demanding government funding for cancer drugs
Originally published on Stuff For the past year Wiki Mulholland has been fighting to extend her life – and the lives of others with advanced breast...
Hundreds demand Government funding for cancer drugs
Originally published on Newshub More people die in New Zealand of lung cancer than any other cancer. Ironically, it's also the cancer with the most...
Protestors petition government to fund life-extending cancer medication
Originally published on te karere Hundreds of people marched to parliament today petitioning the government to fund life-extending drugs for cancer...
Cancer sufferers and families deliver petitions to Parliament
Originally published on RNZ People desperately seeking cancer treatment which could extend their lives by years, took their battle to increase...
Hundreds rally at Parliament to present petitions for better Pharmac funding
Originally published on NZ Herald Deputy Prime Minister and New Zealand First leader Winston Peter has thrown his weight behind trialling a scheme...
Pharmac chairman backs early access scheme for new drugs
Originally published on NZ Herald Pharmac board chairman Steve Maharey is backing an early access scheme that would give patients access to new and...
Cancer sufferers deliver eight Pharmac funding petitions to Parliament
This story was originally published on RNZ People desperately seeking cancer treatment which could extend their lives by years have called on...
CAR T-Cell Therapy Emerges in Multiple Myeloma
A novel chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy induced complete and durable responses in a phase I trial involving patients with heavily...
Gene therapy may help fight tough-to-treat blood cancer
A gene therapy that tweaks the immune system might offer hope to people with blood cancer that has resisted standard treatments, a new preliminary...
20k NZers sign petitions for better funding of medicines
Originally published on Te ao Almost 20,000 New Zealanders have signed eight petitions to be presented to parliament, demanding better funding of...