Submission on the draft Cancer Action Plan 2019-2029
Myeloma New Zealand submitted an online response to the plan on behalf of myeloma patients, pointing in particular to the need for full inclusion of...
Prophylactic antibiotics could benefit patients with newly diagnosed myeloma
Newly diagnosed patients with myeloma who are about to start treatment may benefit from a fixed course of prophylactic antibiotics to prevent...
Funding Medicines in New Zealand: Revision of the Medicines waiting list to 30 June 2019
An update of the Medicines Waiting List report has just been released. The Medicines Waiting List shows how long patients have been waiting for...
In pursuit of improved outcomes in high-risk multiple myelomaÂ
This story was originally published on The Limbic Improving the outcomes of multiple myeloma patients with high-risk abnormalities (HRA) continues...
Health Select Committee hearing alert: Pharmac responds to our petition
Go along in person or watch live on Facebook (see details below) as Pharmac presents their oral submission at the Committee’s meeting on Wednesday,...
Concern proposed bill may make cancer medication unaffordable for Kiwis
This story was originally published on stuff Every three months, a package containing cancer medication arrives at Trevor Gately's Nelson home from...
Wake-up call for cancer agency boss Diana Sarfati
OPINION: Statements about priorities for the new cancer agency made by agency head Professor Diana Sarfati are cause for serious concern. Last...
Newsletter: October 2019
Greetings A lot has happened since my last newsletter, but hopefully you’ve been keeping up with some of this through our website. The big event of...
Major biological processes involved in the development of myeloma uncovered
Myeloma UK funded research from The Institute of Cancer Research, London, has identified the main biological processes which cause the genetic...
Real-World Insight on Patients With Multiple Myeloma: Results Drawn From a Large Health Plan
A retrospective cohort study identified real-world epidemiology, treatment patterns, and survival outcomes in patients with multiple myeloma (MM) in...
New Therapies for Blood Cancers Hold Promise
Blood cancer is actually a term applied to three different types of cancer – leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. For centuries, these cancers had...
Reducing the Risk of Blood Clots in Patients With Multiple Myeloma
Patients with multiple myeloma are at risk of developing thrombosis (blood clots) that are associated with some newer treatments, according to two...