Myeloma Summit 2018
Differences in Multiple Myeloma are Key to Treatment Options
When diagnosing patients with multiple myeloma, it is important to identify the specific stage, mutations and risk level of the disease to determine...
Watch: CAR T-Cell Therapy: a New Frontier in Blood Cancer Treatment
CAR T-Cell Therapy: a New Frontier in Blood Cancer Treatment Dr Rob Weinkove spoke at our patient seminar on CAR T-Cell Therapy: a New Frontier in...
Myeloma Minute – Speeding Myeloma Research
Take a look at the International Myeloma Foundation's Newsletter, the Myeloma Minute
Terminally ill dad saves more than $200k bringing in cancer drugs from India
A Kiwi dad who's dying of lung cancer has been bypassing the Pharmac system to get cheap pharmaceuticals directly from India - and says thousands of...
MEDIA RELEASE: Lack of access to effective treatments is forcing blood cancer patients to take desperate measures
Lack of access to effective treatments is forcing blood cancer patients to take desperate measures 12 April 2018 Lack of funded access to...
A Step Toward Precision Medicine
The IMF is very pleased to have established a partnership with AbbVie to conduct the largest, most comprehensive chart-review study of myeloma...
Multiple Myeloma Action Month March 2018
Multiple Myeloma action month March 2018: Thanks to medical innovation, Multiple Myeloma patients are living longer than ever before. Multiple...
Watch: What’s New in Myeloma Treatment: a New Zealand PerspectiveÂ
What’s New in Myeloma Treatment: a New Zealand Perspective Dr. Leanne Berkahn, Dr. Henry Chan, Dr. Phillip Insull, and Dr. David Simpson, spoke at...
Watch: Improving Survival in Multiple Myeloma
Improving Survival in Multiple Myeloma Dr. Henry Chan from North Shore Hospital spoke at our patient seminar on his recent work looking at multiple...
Cancer Society calls for major changes to save lives
The Cancer Society is calling for major changes to cancer services to save lives. It says 2,500 more New Zealanders would have survived cancer if...
Newsletter: February 2018
Happy New Year & greetings to you all Patient seminars: save the date Auckland on 28 February at North Shore Hospital Auditorium Wellington on 8...